50th anniversary of DGKK
DGKK was founded in the evening of 9. April 1970 by total 14 members. The founding took place as a satellite event of the meeting of the working group „Kristallisation“ (Crystalisation) of the Verfahrenstechnischen Gesellschaft of VDI.
The registration as a non-profit association happened in July 1970. On 15th October 1970 the first general assembly was held in München.
In the GDR the subgroup „Kristallzüchtung“ (crystal growth) in the Akademie der Wissenschaften was already founded in 1963. Later the working group „Kristallisation“ was created in the „Vereinigung für Kristallographie (VfK)“, which was founded in 1965.
In 1990 the first German Crystal Growth Conference took place since the fall of the Berlin wall. A large number of researcher from the GDR participated in the conference in Frankfurt (Main).
Many of those researchers became a member of DGKK until the next conference in 1991, which was held in Gießen. From this time on DGKK represents the empoyees with relation to crystal growth in entire Germany.
An extended survey of the history of crystal growth in both German states and after the reunification could be found in Mitteilungsblatt 100 as well as in an article vom special issue of Crystal Research & Technology.
In the year of the 50th anniversary of DGKK the German Conference on Crystal Growth (DKT) was held again in München (DKT2020).
The conributions reflect the entire variety of activities in this field in Germany.
The book of Abstracts is downloadable here (Part I, Part II, Part III, im Ganzen (20 MB)).
In addtion, a special issue of Crystal Research & Technology was published.